Friday, October 24, 2008

Self Confidence One Of Best Remedies For Cold Sores

If you’ve ever had a cold sore on your lip, then you know how self-conscious you can be. You want to call in sick to work, cancel meetings basically anything to avoid having people see you. You search for remedies for cold sores-everywhere.

During your search for a cold sore treatment, you feel like everyone is staring you at you. Your thinking spins out of control. You think other people are judging you and you stick out in a crowd.

Bad Days Happen
Now we all have bad days. Whether it’s a bad hair day, a pimple on your nose like Rudolph or a cold sore. The important part is to remember others have gone through this and we will too.

Cold Sore Treatment: Self Confidence

If you have a cold sore, go for the presentation. People will say you have spunk and know you are someone special who goes no matter what. You will be seen as courageous. Doing this will gain you respect.

Realize people are in their own zones their own worlds. They are also worrying if people like them, if they are going to succeed or why someone didn’t smile at them this morning.

We all have our own worries. Now I’m not minimizing the pain and suffering which goes with cold sores.

If your friends make fun of you; consider if these are the people you want to have as friends.

Find Your Best Cold Sore Treatment Plan
Continue to find ways to reduce your cold sore triggers. Build your immune system with a healthy diet and supplement as needed. You can find a cold sore treatment which will work for you.

Don’t hide. Let people see you know the real you. Remember self-confidence is one of the best remedies for cold sores.

Photo courtesy of Adriana Herbut

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