Monday, October 20, 2008

Remedies For Cold Sores: Protect Your Family By Knowing The Facts

Bottom line cold sores interrupt your life and are a pain. Generally found at the edges of lip or nose, these lesions can grow anywhere there is a break in the skin.

The virus herpes simplex is responsible for cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes blisters. The lesions happen when the virus is reproducing or replicating itself.

The virus is a sneaky one. It hides in the root of nerve cells waiting for the time to strike and cause a cold sore. It sits in the nerve fiber ready to pounce during stressful points in our life.

Until you know more about how a cold sores virus works it is almost impossible to discover remedies for cold sores.

What Triggers Cold Sores?

It can be caused by fever, which is why the cold sore is often called a fever blister. Often aggravated by sunlight, the lesion can be a result of sunburn. And the herpes simplex blister can also be triggered by menstruation.

Minimizing the stress in your life is a good start for your life and leaning how to get rid of the virus effects in your life.

The virus herpes simplex does not reproduce like bacteria. The virus reproduces by taking over or conquering the internal workings of a nerve cell. So the conquered nerve cell becomes a factory for reproducing new herpes simplex viruses.

Replicating viruses is tiring for the nerve cell. Eventually the cell becomes exhausted and explodes. This causes more virus particles to go out and infect other surrounding cells. The cell destruction is the open lesion call a cold sore.

Why Are Cold Sores So Painful?

The pain is a result of the herpes simplex building the cold sores on the end of a nerve.

How Do People Catch Herpes Simplex?

This virus is extremely contagious. That’s not to say it flies through the air attacking people, but is easily passed by touch. So kissing an infected person or shaking their hand if they have touched a cold sore is an easy way to catch the virus.

Your first line of defense and one of the best remedies for cold sores is to protect your family is to limit the family's exposure to be with active herpes simplex outbreaks. by limiting exposure you teach kids not to kiss people with mouth lesions or touch hands with body parts.

Herpes virus is contagious from the first tingling sensation till the lesion is completely healed. It is especially contagious during the weeping or drainage phase.

The defense system attacks the cold sore virus and discourages the virus from becoming active. The virus is able to take over the nerve cell when the body is stressed.

Normally the immune system can protect the body from herpes simplex. Triggers for the sleeping virus can be fever. This is why the cold sore is often called a fever blister. Sun exposure and menstruation can also trigger an attack of the herpes simplex.

Prevention And Prompt Treatment Key Steps To Get Rid Of Cold Sores

There are many remedies for cold sores available today. Your body often will take care of a sore by itself. In essence your body has found its own remedies for cold sores. Discover how you can find the cold sore treatment treatment which works. So before you choose look at this
ebook today.

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