Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cold Sore Treatment: Finding Your Triggers

What causes your cold sores? Everyone has a trigger starting the cold sore.
Every person is unique, but if you suffer from cold sores there are some common factors to all sufferers. The definite link all sufferers share is sometime in our lives we were infected with the herpes simplex virus.

You don't need to be a skilled detective just a good observer of your own life.

This virus is highly contagious. That explains why 9 out of 10 people have had an infection in their lives. But for some of those 9 out of 10 people it’s more than a one time infection.

The virus has decided to live with us permanently. Most of the time the virus is dormant sleeping away at the root of a nerve cell. But then the virus wakes up.
As it reproduces itself in a process called replication the dreaded cold sore appears. Cold sores are also known as fever blisters or recurrent herpes labialis by health care providers.

Key To Finding Cold Sore Treatment? Is Stress Your Trigger?

Finding your trigger is the key to finding your cold sore treatment. Stress is the leading factor in awakening the sleeping herpes simplex. Why? Well when our body is under stress our immune system the defense part of our body doesn’t work as well.

Now stress is not just emotional stress. Finances, work, new babies, school and family can all be stress causers. Stress can be anything that puts our body out of its normal balance.

With this definition stress can be a really hot or really cold days. When it’s really hot or really cold over a long period our body has to continually adjust. Sometimes our body (and our emotions too) just gets tired of adjusting. This is when the herpes simplex wakes up and goes to work.

Cold And The Flu Your Trigger?

Cold sores also happen when we have a cold or even the flu. Colds and flu happen year round. Now winter is considered the cold and flu season. We get more because we’re cooped up inside and closer to other people and the viruses and bacteria they pass around.

But colds and flu aren’t limited to the winter, as we all have either experienced or know someone who has had one of the dreaded summer colds.

Or Is Sunburn What Causes Your Cold Sore?

Sunlight is good for our skin in small doses. It helps our body get its requirement of Vitamin D. But sunlight in excessive quantities can cause sunburn, cancer and premature aging.

Kissing someone with a cold sore can also cause cold sores as well. So it’s important to protect yourself and your family by knowing the trigger factors.
Now stress by itself is impossible to eliminate. Just by living we encounter stress in our lives. But we can control how we react to the stress and what it does to our body.

A healthy diet, with a vitamin supplement can help our bodies cope with the stresses in our life. Healthy diets build up our immune system so we’re less apt to have the herpes virus wake up.

Vitamin supplements are suggested because often in the rush of everyday life we don’t eat as healthy as we should. The vitamin supplement is the extra level of protection to help our immune system with the building blocks our body’s defense system needs to do its job.

Be aware of the triggers causing cold sores in your life. Eat healthy and control what factors you can. Develop a holistic cold sore treatment plan and eliminate cold sore misery in your life.

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